Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Finals... Already?

How is the Google Living Stories approach different than other news sources?
Google Living Stories varies greatly compared to other news sources. It gives you many options that are very convenient and organized as to what your personal needs and wants are. It gives you many things that a regular newspaper cannot give to you, like time lines, updated information on a certain subject, and video and audios. However, there are some cons to obtaining your news online... Some people like to relax and read the paper, or when your on break from work grab a paper and start reading. If news sources begin to boom in the online industry, I think that a lot more people will begin to update to data plans on their phones and rely on their cellular devices to stay updated.

Do you think this approach to stories will help to reduce bias in the news? Why or Why Not?
I think that in a lot of cases, there will always be bias in news. Whether you retrieve your information electronically or not, there will always be an author, and I think that more depends on the person writing the piece verses how you obtain it.

What features would you like to see added to Google's project?
I would like to see a search engine added to this Google project. It would then be easier to find a specific story. Through the Google Living Stories video, it sort of looked like there may have been a search engine, but I am not certain. And looking through the website on my own, I didn't see one. I just think it would be much more convenient for people if there was one, when looking for a particular story.

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